Marissa, daughter and green furry ball

After the kids staying up so late last night, we wanted an easier day, the hightlight of which was supposed to be buying a new pair of trainers for our daughter with real laces. I never thought that graduating from velcro as a significant milestone in a child's development, but she was well chuffed that she could do her own laces. Albeit, via the cheat-ie way that I showed her several years ago.

Afterwards we went to the Botanical Gardens for a little stroll. Not quite as uneventful as we had anticipated. I got severly side-tracked doing a shoot of a Colombian musician in action, took loads of fuzzy pictures of a bumble bee, and then we had a look at the Franz West exhibition. The latter was a lot of fun for the kids because the exhibition staff were brilliant at telling our kids what they could play with, which as a parent was such a breath of fresh air. I certainly can't remember the last time we even allowed to touch the precious articles, never mind encouraged to interact with them.

This is Marissa showing our daughter how to play the green-fuzzy-ball game.

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