
By conventgirl

It wont fit mate!

This scene made me chuckle today. I saw this big man pushing this little girls bike and thought it would make an amusing blip.

He had just bought it at the car boot sale which is just out of shot. I then realised that he had arrived at said boot sale by bike himself and was now figuring out how he was going to get the little bike home. He spent about 10 minutes trying it every which way to to be able to tie it to his bike. He did eventually manage to do it in roughly the position you see here.

Then the problem was how to get on his bike as he couldnt swing his leg over behind him. As you can see his legs are a little shorter than the cross bar so he spent another 5 minutes on that manoeuvre.

Its a good job the poor man's face is obscured because I am sure he was more than a little embarrassed at the whole incident. Meanwhile I was hiding behind the curtains in hysterics.

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