
By conventgirl

Courgette or marrow?

I hobbled down to the veg patch today and discovered that the courgettes had grown somewhat since I last saw them. Several of them were nearly a foot long and a couple of inches in diameter. Is there an actual difference between courgettes and marrows?

I dont really know why I grow them - except that they are easy and look nice! None of the family will even tolerate eating them. I tried to trick them last week by making a courgette, brocolli and sweeetcorn fritter and hoping they wouldn't notice. They did!

The veg patch is looking good right now. The sweetcorn is nearly ready to fruit, the tomatoes are green, runner beans are in flower, onions are ready to pick and various other beans are ready to pick.

Then there are the strange plants that we labelled peppers which clearly aren't. They look a bit familliar but we cant put a name to them so we wait in anticipation to see what appears.

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