
By soozsnapz

Grey and cold all morning

Rain all afternoon. Suddenly I looked out - it was 5.20, still light, lovely blue sky and a teeny hint of pink in the clouds. Plus one noisy crow in the tree.  This taken from my bathroom window. It feels like afternoons have got lighter very suddenly.
A lovely morning at Fareshare. I’ve discovered some great music to play in the warehouse (my admin jobs include being DJ  for the morning). Called The Bongo Hop - French, Colombian, Afrobeat, soul jazz. Absolutely joyful and I’m sure everyone works to the rhythm, hence more productively:-)
Spent much of the evening trying to catch up on here, with comments and stars, looking at everyone’s journals. Plus I’ve started a new jigsaw - from a charity shop - a great picture, with the added excitement that I don’t know whether all the pieces are there….

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