
By soozsnapz

Back to the light festival

After a nice day doing a few chores, including the big Tesco shop, and even a bit of gardening - after dark I went down to the city centre to look at some more of the light festival installations, and I’ve shown 3 here. The main one is a strange looking creature which moves and makes strange growling noises in response to the movements and sounds made by onlookers. You can see how big it is, if you look carefully, there are people and buildings for scale. I think it looks a bit like a tardigrade. 
The first extra is the old, roofless Temple church, which has mist and projected lights inside what is already a rather dramatic looking building  - with its leaning tower. It was a medieval church built by the Knights Templar. 
The second extra, viewed from a distance, is another installation based on projected lights. The ‘screen’ inside the Left Handed Giant (a bar) is made of almost 2000 CDs and DVDs - a good bit of recycling I guess. This also shows the beautiful curvy Castle Bridge which has enhanced this area so much. 
So far, I haven’t found it as impressive as the light displays in previous years. Maybe there’s a smaller budget? I’ve no idea.  I’ve got a few left to explore with my son when he comes to visit this weekend.  

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