Rain incoming....
So I set off this morning to see if I could reach Lusaka! I drove all day and around 4pm reached the area where the road is closed (its only 1 1/2 hours from Lusaka). Unfortunately because of the torrential rain, the bypass is not useable - it is too muddy and vehicles are getting stuck, so I had to turn around and drive 4 hours back to a lodge!
I reached the lodge and it was pitch dark (no electricity). I got checked in and was being shown to a room on the far side of the property - not sure what happened but I tripped and fell flat on my face! The result is that I have bruised both knees really badly (one has a deep cut), my right arm and hand are also badly bruised and cut. I am thankful that nothing is broken!
Of course my first aid kit had been stolen from the vehicle so I had nothing to clean the wounds, and I was actually quite stunned! I asked at reception if they had a first aid kit but they did not! A lovely lady working at the restaurant called a friend who was a doctor and he brought some surgical spirits to clean the wounds - we had nothing to dress them with except a couple of sticking plasters - at least I got the big one on my knee covered! I took painkillers and went to bed!
What a day - and its my birthday too!
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