Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


I am struggling to find something inspiring to photograph at the moment, it always seems to happen as we reach that in-between-seasons- stage of the year. I repotted these hyacinths in this glass vase, as I like seeing the roots. The flowers are just starting to show, emerging from the buds.

I had my usual weekly group golf lesson, and I wore my wrist brace today which made a difference - I was able to play properly and did not hurt my wrist, so I was pleased about that.

Gavin's best friend from SA is in London visiting his daughter who has just given birth to her first baby - although it was a c-section she was only allowed one night in hospital (despite a c-section being major surgery) and was sent home the next day, such is the state of the demand on hospital beds these days. He is coming to visit us tonight and I was going to cook dinner for him but then he sent me a message to say we should go to our local Italian for dinner instead, so we will walk there later on, much easier for me!

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