Capital adventures

By marchmont

Happy New Year - again

After midnight the area git very noisy with fireworks and firecrackers. WE had the prayers in family groups, though those who have had a death in the last year can't pray, mourning.  I prayed with our family this time. Then we burned the money as offerings to the gods and the paper house and then there were fireworks and the sugar cane was burned. The reason for the sugar cane is described here.  Finally the firecrackers were let off in the street outside the house and then the ones on the gateposts.  They were loud!  

After that we had a birthday celebration as KF's oldest sister was 84 today.  there was happy birthday, cake and photos with her children and grandchildren. Then we ate the food that had been presented to the deities, roast pork and duck and noodles, more red wine and cake.  All the time the kids were letting of other fireworks and sparklers and a few firecrackers.  Quiet is was not.  Finally at almost 1.30 a.m. we left, the girls going home with Eryi and PoPo and WH and I together.  There were still fireworks going off in  Mont Kiara. 

Despite the ate night/early morning I was awake before 7 and caught the sun coming up, now moved north to behind the KL Tower.  After a bit of this and that (and no breakfast) I returned the unused ang pow to HK and then dd a big shop at Jaya.  #1 son was in a mood as no-one had told him his kids weren't home.

After lunch I met the girls (who slept till nearly midday) at HK and we went swimming with them doing their lengths.  I came back to mine when they were having Chinese, watched Call the Midwife and prepped for dinner.

It seemed to go well though again there was a comms failure.  WH didn't know the family were here when she came back from work.  But we ate and everyone seemed happy. 

Tomorrow is another outing across to Shah Alam to spend more time with the sisters. 

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