Clipper in the City

......... a site one does not often see a dry docked vessel in Trafalgar Square, but the planned blip for the day but once seen had to be done!!

Had an exhausting but interesting day at the library today I typed a 24 page document to do with legacy trust funds - not solid writing but the accounts for a very complex family legacy - most of the recipients of the original will were long since dead. These accounts were published in 1932 the original will was written in 1862.

But OMG how did people work with non decimal money the system they used back in India then was the same as old British money rather than £ s d they had Rs a p but so complex thank goodness we changed to working in 10's!! So last night I spend the evening tiding up what I typed and also on the phone.

Dad's cousin's daughter (so my 2nd cousin I think?) is in hospital with a cranial aneurysm which is a worry - she's waiting for an op right now.

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