talloplanic views

By Arell

Rephillery Phriday

Coffee, tea, work work work work went the morning in which I spent almost the whole time writing briefing. It will be useful for next week though. And so I logged off for the day once the lunchtime doorbell rang. I've had to do short days this week out of rib mending necessity, and even though I've worked more than I was meant to, and been pretty damn productive to boot, I'm not sorry to call it a day when I've not even eaten my lunch.

Mum and Dad came round and we headed to Penicuik to have lunch at the Storehouse, which is a sort of organic and locally grown food collective with a nice line in ethical gifts as well. My soup was lovely and the cake afterwards was too.

This Carron Company K6 telephone box outside the Storehouse is now a little book swap library.

After a whizz round Lidl in which I bumped into my neighbour, we came back to mine to drink tea and chat for a while. And now, a lazy evening beckons.

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