talloplanic views

By Arell


After battling what I was calling The Headache That Wouldn't Go Away, it did finally go after usual pain meds plus a cup of actual coffee, and by late lunchtime I was feeling more normal. But also by then my ribs were sore: a big, thrumming three-dimensionally bruised sore. I finished for the day having been awake early and started work early.

So I read my book for at least a hundred pages' worth, then the doorbell rang and it was Mum and Dad dropping off a few supplies for Madame Fidra repairs, and some potential minor accessorisation.. Chattering away in the back of the car was Boy Wonder, who told me about his day at school and how he was getting on with learning his musical instrument.

Instead of going straight back to my book, I put the breadmaker on again. While it did its thing, bestie and I had a long and much needed video chat.

And then it was getting on for teatime. But first, time to relax for a while in the shower. And only then, make cauliflower cheese for tea. I feared I put too much nutmeg in but it was very nicely balanced by the strong, posh Beaufort cheese I was using up.

I have just confirmed that the bread, while not having risen as enthusiastically as the brown one the other day, is very good to eat.

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