Dutch tales

By ThisIsGerda


I am in this private group on facebook where we make an album every week in a certain theme. This week's theme is circles. Or just a round shape. Something like that. I couldn't come up with anything at first, but all of a sudden I noticed my birdfeeder on the outside of my balcony door. It certainly looks 'circly', doesn't it?

I was asked what kind of birds it attracts. At first tits came by in early spring (I don't have it for long yet). They would sit on the black thingy, look around, fly away, come back, take a quick bite and fly off again.

When I came back from my holiday the tits had gone and they had been replaced by sparrows, who were not at all shy! They would boldly come by and go inside the feeder, spilling half of the food on my balcony floor. Moor sparrows would come by and they would have a grand feast on the balcony.

Once in a while a dove would sit on top of the feeder, wondering how on earth to get to that food...

I found a nice video on youtube, just to be clear, it's not mine.

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