Run, Boy, run!
He actually made his southbound Dart. That's one of the benefits of a train that stops for 2 to 3 minutes (depending on the driver's mood) at each station.
No such flexibility in Japan. The boy would have missed his train. On the other hand he would have known exactly at what time the next one would turn up. Here, there is always an element of guesswork. And luck.
I went to the theatre again tonight. Twice in the space of three days. With Mark this time, in Tallaght. Another peripheral performance space. To see the mesmerizing Pat Kinevane Wow. That was quite something.
People go on and on about the Becketts and Behans and Joyces and Wildes. They're all dead. They were great allright. But they're all dead.
Take a chance people. Go and see living artists perform their own work. You can feel the gratitude while the clapping roars. It's palpable. It's there, just there, a few meters away. A person validated, happy, exhausted, grateful.
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