stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Lazy Like Sunday Morn... Well just Sunday!

Flinders Street Station, Melbourne, Victoria

I had a lie in this morning and got up at the back of seven!

My plan for an early morning dash up the Eureka Skydeck was dashed when I discovered that they don't open until 10am. With the weather closing in later in the day, I didn't make it. They are open until 10pm but I'm not sure if a nighttime visit will be worth it. Will decide a little later. It's literally right next door to the hotel, so no rush! :-)

Instead, I took myself along the Southbank and up into town. First on the agenda was to find out times for getting myself to Geelong tomorrow morning to pick up the car. It's going to be another early start as I need to get the 7:37 from Southern Cross station.

The day was spent pretty much just wandering around the city. I really didn't have a plan. There were a couple of places I wanted to go and covered them, but other than that I just sauntered. The sun welcomed the morning commuters and not for the first time it was only part way through the morning that I realised it was so quiet because it was Sunday and not the Monday I had been convinced it was. Hahaha, I'm still adjusting!

I was thinking what a lovely day it was when two women passed by commenting on how cold it was! Ok, I had my jumper on, but please... cold! Heh, once again I had to remind myself this is winter for the locals!

I had a spot of lunch at the Observatory Cafe. The most delicious lemon meringue pie I have ever tasted! The pigeons are a brave bunch here, flying into the cafe itself through the sliding doors and wandering around and under the tables. One was even bold enough to flutter up onto my table at one point. He got the message loud and clear that this was not a good idea though and didn't stay long! :-)

The sky dulled and as predicted, the rain arrived at the back of two. It didn't last too long though and my wander restarted at the back of three. I observed a few of the infamous Melbourne hook turn manoeuvres and know now I made the right decision in not driving in town! Heh, there are a few strange road markings, manoeuvres and rules here. For example, enforced u-turn signs in filter lanes that cut across traffic where u-turns are not allowed and the fact that at many junctions both traffic and pedestrian lights turn green at the same time. This allows left turning vehicles to proceed at the same time pedestrians are crossing. The unwritten rule is that traffic allows pedestrians to pass in front of them and I haven't seen anything to suggest this isn't followed, but good grief, something like that would never work at home!

Oh, and for all you Edinburgh blippers, Melbourne has a tram system too! It's a little different from ours though. They seem to have vehicles that run along the rails they laid on the road. They pick people up and drop them off in a similar way to what our buses do. It's seems like a good extension to the system we have in place so I sent off a picture to the council and TIE along with a suggestion that its something they might consider for ours! ;-)

I'm sitting in the hotel writing this up before I head over to Federation Square, just down the road, which has 24/7 free wifi to post, then it's off to dinner. I think I'll eat out tonight. Nothing too extravagant (if such a place exists)! ;-) Just a nice wee place on the Southbank if I can find a table. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in Melbourne. Its been a perfect introduction to Australia. As usual, I don't think I covered much of what I had planned, but that's what plans are for aren't they? To be ignored (its the one thing I've learned from work)! ;-) Potentially I may find some more time to spend in town when I get back from my tour of Victoria, but we'll see how I feel. I might just be creeping into bed out at the hotel after dropping off the car at the airport! ;-)

Hope everyone's had/having a smashing weekend. I backblipped yesterday's entry.

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