Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Doing justice to the orchids

My image from a couple of days ago did not do justice to the orchids in the kitchen, so here is a close up of one stem. They are really gorgeous.

I spent all morning printing portraits ready for the Tynedale Photo Group on Monday night. I need six to make a panel. I had to recalibrate the monitor and set up the correct profile for the paper. The colour is much better than before, but I'm not quite satisfied with the results. (That is just me, I fear!)

I went to see Jenny, Dennis and Kate this afternoon. I could not gain access because they were all asleep and the doors were locked.

I called at Liz and Nick's on my way home for a welcome cup of tea and a proper warm up in their lounge. They had no heating on in the house (14 degrees) but the wood burner was burning brightly in the lounge. Bliss and much warmer than my house today.

When I came home, Monica (Margret's d-i-l) called to see me and we had a good chat over tea too. 

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