Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Rural Attiki

Arrived alright with the ferry in Pireos, where we all arriving from Crete felt the chill from the other side of the seas, as we crossed the Pelagos up to Sterea Ellada (Mainland Greece)... sure we arrived early in the morning there at 06.30 hrs.
From there I took the metro up to the airport, what's about 90 minutes of travel, to collect the car I'd booked for rent the coming 10 days. All along the route, the metro filled with early commuters (and that on a Saturday morning). The metro did not run all up to the airport yet and we had to descend and wait for the follow up; but before heading off the driver of "our" metro walked up to a cabin where one passenger had remained, assistence was called in and the passenger sat there deep asleep... apparently a drug addict who'd taken an overdosis... us at the platform witnessed the driver + assistence around him; we didn't hear whether he's alive or not, but then we're ordered to await our follow up from another platform and thus we arrived later at the airport where many of us couldn't open the gate with our tickets anymore as they were expired.. our travels had lasted longer than the 90 minutes our tickets were valid. Luckily someone helped us to pass from the tourniquets.

I collected my rent car and drove on to my friends in Rafina.. my blip is taken from the off-side route onto Rafina (not driving along the highway). However, the Citroen C3 they'd given me as rent car and I did not match... on many occasions I could not drive off in gear 1 and I returned the car to them at the airport and got another type of car, a Skoda what works well! I'm glad I did return the car as it wasn't driving fast and troublesome in gear changes. 
Sweetheart I called in the eve and he'd told me that he and our friends the newly weds, who just returned from their family visits of 2 months + had been to the olivegrove of Sweetheart to spread furtilizer around the trees and the present rain will do that all as good as can be; so Sweetheart and them had the day well spent, what I'm grateful for.

Before I'd returned that troublesome Citroen car, I'd driven into Athens, where I noticed I really really couldn't get along with that car for the coming days, so I returned it, and I'm glad I did! 

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