
By lemonzest


A grand day! We managed a walk during daylight, baked three items; Parkin, malt loaf and a loaf of bread - plus we watched ‘About a boy’, which wasn’t as fantastic as yesterday’s film but we aren’t complaining.

Parkin, the origins of which can be traced back to the 17th or 18th century, with the first published recipe appearing in 1794. It was a staple food for the poor, as it was made with oats, which were cheaper than wheat. Parkin was often cooked on a griddle . or bakestone over an open fire, as ovens were not common in poorer households.

Our gluten-free recipe was a human moderated recipe from internet AI. It is very good indeed, light, airy even, like a wisp of cloud over Pendle hill, just not like any I ever remember.. possibly better but time has dimmed my memory of when I even ate it last. I had to put rolled oats in the coffee grinder but it worked. The sagging but moist centre adds nothing but authenticity. Our treacle, from a rich seam mined under Sabden had been waiting for the occasion.

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