Apparently this is my 5110th Blip! Fourteen years! I missed the reminder! LOL!
Where has the time gone? 2011 seems like two minutes ago yet at other times, with all that's gone on, it feels like a lifetime! Massive and heartfelt thanks to all you lovely people who visit my journal despite me being so bad at commenting in return. I hope to rectify that in the coming weeks as I enjoy enforced leisure courtesy of my surgery :-) And huge thanks to those behind the scenes keeping Blip going. We owe you a massive debt of gratitude.
Now where was I? :-)))
We had to vacate the cottage by 10am. Getting packed last night paid off as we were up, organised and cars parked by 9.30am.
There was a little plant pot beside the front door of the cottage that I'd been meaning to take a pic of since we arrived a week ago, this was my last chance and I quickly snapped it before we drove off. The focus is completely off but I am blipping it anyway as it made me smile so much :-)
On the way home we stopped at Glendoick Garden Centre for breakfast and a wander in their shop. Agnes picked up a few nice purchases. I bought socks for me and a gift for a friend.
Once back at ours we got a lukewarm response form Alan! LOL! Although I did get a smile :-))
D & A headed off to play golf at our local club and Agnes and I settled ourselves in the garden room with a cuppa and our crochet and spent a lovely afternoon chatting (even after a week together we hadn't run out of conversation! :-)
The guys returned having enjoyed the golf and not long after R dropped Lola off. She was very happy to see us. R said she was a very good girl although she had been told off a couple of times for barking. We definitely need to get that sorted!
After a cuppa it was sadly time to admit our wee break was over and Agnes and Adrian headed home. Won't see them again till after my surgery.
Tesco delivery not due till tomorrow morning so we had an Indian takeaway for dinner to round off our holiday.
What a lovely, relaxing week full of laughter. Just what we all needed.
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