Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


On a dull, dank, drizzly and dismal Monday morning, we decided to go out for a coffee to Jack’s, not only to get out for an hour, but also because we had quite a lot of “stuff” from my decluttering last week to take to our favourite charity shop, DEBRA, just a few doors down from Jack’s.

Having delivered the said “stuff” to the back door of DEBRA, Mr. HCB went off to park the car, while I went through the shop, past all the other “stuff” being sorted, chatting with the lovely ladies on the way.  One of the assistants was taking the arms off their mannequins in the window, so although I had already taken a shot of my tulips at home, couldn’t waste this photo opportunity - well you know me!

She struggled to get the arms off the last mannequin, but then moved swiftly out of the way, because she knew what was coming!  However, having taken a shot of the mannequins from inside the shop, a certain lady, who shall be nameless, but who just happens to be the Manager of DEBRA, thought she would photobomb the photograph I took from the outside of the shop.  She may live to regret this!

We had our coffee and chat in Jack’s but sadly no insults today, as Flo, the “best insulter” in the world, is sadly in hospital and quite poorly.  I had her number so Whatsapped her to say we missed her and her response was “Don’t you worry - I will be back - thanks for the text. xx”

I was able to give a couple of my little wooden hearts to a young man who was with a lady who was visibly upset, so hope that they felt blessed.

Then we went back to DEBRA so that I could show the aforementioned lady that she would be in my Blip for today - and not wishing to cause offence to anyone, I have blurred the mannequins’ details, but if you look closely at the top shot you will see the photobomber complete with clothes!  

It certainly brightened up our morning and theirs too, even thought it is still dull, dank, drizzly and dismal.  Sometimes you have to make your own fun to compensate for the weather!  Have a happy day whatever you are doing.   M xx

P.S.  Thank you all so much for your kind comments, stars and hearts for my collage at Church yesterday.  We shall miss this little family, but wish them all the very best and pray that the weather will be kind to them tomorrow when they move.  

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