A busy day. First task was to defrost the freezer because the contents were as low as they’re going to be. I made a silly mistake not paying the extra for a ‘no frost’ model when I replaced the broken chest freezer with a one with drawers about 18 months ago. I lost count of the number of times I was on my knees today.
The window cleaner came later in the morning.
After lunch, a walk down to the shops for a few things to put in the freezer. On the way back my neighbour stopped me and said there was a pheasant in my garden. I’ve never seen a pheasant in the area.
Once I’d sorted the food I checked it was still there and got the big camera out (which I haven’t used for 3 months). Took some photos through the newly cleaned windows then thought it was worth going outside. The pheasant stayed in the garden first pecking at the bits of suet ball that were falling because the jackdaws had found the feeder, then eating all the sunflower hearts I put on the lawn. I ended up on my knees again to take photos.
When I looked out a bit later it was on the fence and then flew off.
More poses in extras.
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