Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Can you see them? The first signs of tulips. :)

Today was a day of hard labour! We transported 4 of these tulip crates on each cart, from the park where they've been sleeping, through the park and up a smal ramp into Greenhouse 2, after clearing the pathway from carts and other stuff in the way. I hope the Park personell didn't have any troubles finding their things afterwards! :D Then through half of Greenhouse 2 and  lift each crate on to the table. These weigh a lot... packed with soil and then a layer of gravel, frozen. We were 4, 2 on each cart, and we worked! We got about 30 crates inside, with a small break in the middle. Most of the times I helped my boss or another coworker J to drag the cart the last part of the ramp, but one time I 'drove' the cart myself.
When we were done with that, we lifted  several soil sacks on to the crates and pushed that into the shop area, to stack on the soil sacks already laying there. The soil sacks weigh 50 kg and they're not heavy to lift, normal hight, but as soon as you have to lift them a bit higher, you get a workout! :D 
I have no idea what my body will feel like tomorrow!

Before this, I was on lice duty. A customer came in wanting to buy Geraniums. So I talked a bit with him and he chose two coca cola scented ones. I left to go to the cashier and when he came he was carrying two of the Geraniums I hadn't checked for lice yet... Panic! :D So, I did as I did last time... I checked the leaves when he was getting more plants... and stopped as soon as he came back, then the same frantic procedure next time he went to get more... Then he said he'd get some bags in his car and as soon as he'd left, I asked a coworker to be on the look-out, as she was sitting by the window, and the frantic checking continued... She then said ' He's driving up, he's parking, he's getting out... he's by the door!' and then I stopped. I did get rid of several lice eggs, and I think I got them all. 
I told my boss about this and she got a good laugh! 
I had so much fun today, with all the heavy lifting and hard work. One of the bosses thought I'd brought such happy energy, and I'm happy she only saw that and not what's really going on. A bit raw still, so I might tell you later...  

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