The Orient Express

By koko

My little princess

Who goes by the name of Daisy May is the grand age of 12 today, i acquired her at 18 months after her 1st owner found that she was leaving Daisy more home alone than keeping her company. She was the sweetest thing and very early on i realised she was 100% sound with adults, children and other dogs. It was at this point i decided she would make an excellent Pets As Therapy dog being especially good with children, i remember taking her to a park one time and a very young boy screamed as Daisy went up for love. It was explained that months earlier he had been badly attacked by a dog and had not been by one since. To cut a long story short, the young boy was eventually coaxed to sit down and Daisy joined him on his lap.
She has never been an ounce of trouble, and on meeting people will do a tiny little dance often winning non dog lovers round.
She was invited to celebrate 25 years of Pets As Therapy in the crufts arena, 5 years ago which was a very proud moment for me, my other dogs have since been but its always the 1st one you remember.
As our pets birthday's come round, they are celebrated when they are younger but are almost dreaded as they get older, poor little daisy now has cataracts, a leg out of joint, just 3 teeth left and a tongue which hangs out, but i can tell you this she is one hell of a dog to be PROUD of. Happy birthday Daisy May.

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