Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

I'm not going out

No rain here but a muggy day and our feathered friend spent most of the day sitting in this conifer looking out on the world. I've walked past him a few times and he hasn't budged. Should that be 'budgied'? No of course it shouldn't , I'm being stupid.

An un eventful day here today. Still there's Top Gear to look forward to tonight. MrsDB asks why I say that when all I do is scream the words 'prat' and 'di*khe*d' at the TV all the time the show is on. I guess it's a man thing.

After that there's an episode of Law and Order, a programme made up of many loud 'clinks' followed by mini-adverts for what happens next. A bit like, "I'm going to tell you what I'm going to tell you, then I'm going to tell you, then I'm going to tell you what I've told you". In between all of that I'm going to broadcast brain- numbing adverts for Go Compare and other 'TV for morons' gap fillers. Enjoy.

Discussed visiting Rothesay next month with MrsDB but was met with a resounding "NO!". Do you think that means I can go on my own? (Neither did I). Her reasoning is that there's no-where to eat on the island. Come to think of it she could be right.

Soon be Monday. i love Mondays. I don't have to go to work. And it's a double Coro in the evening.

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