Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Open Topper to Kilchattan Bay.

Regular visitors will know that Port Appin is a fictional location so I can take whatever liberties I choose. This is one such liberty!

The adverts on the bus are mainly hand made by me as an experiment for future model making. It's a £10 toy double decker fiddled and fettled to look like an open topper seaside bus. The model I'll eventually work on cost me £45 so you can see why I'm not taking chances of mistakes.

I quite like Rothesay though 'she who would like to be my better half' (but fails) refuses to visit this year to accompany me in a photographic survey of the old shops and buildings for a future model diorama. I expect I'll be able to talk her round though. Nevertheless the model I'll be making will be based on a fictional open top service on the Isle of Bute in the 1960's. Most of the decals used reflect 60's advertising.

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