Spice Up Your Life
Very much back to being an emergency blip for today. We like to go off-piste slightly when following a recipe and we especially like to experiment with spicing. My brother is going to make a vegetable chilli/curry using some of the new spice blends we've just bought - which as you can see in my image are rather exotically named Gunpowder, Deggie Mirch and Vadouvan.
The Gunpowder blend includes Kashmiri chilli, gram flour and turmeric powder, the Deggie Mirch blend comprises of Kashmiri and red bell pepper powder and the Vandouvan blend incorporates onion, garlic, fenugreek powder, cumin powder, ginger and caraway. They're described on the labels as fiery, vibrant and fragrant and we're hoping to use a bit of each in the chilli/curry, so it will either be wonderfully flavourful or blow your head off! Sometimes you just have to spice up your life!
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