Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


It’s been a busy week this week catching up with old friends I haven’t seen for a while and drinking coffee!  Today was another of those days, but Mr. HCB came with me because our friendship with Julia goes way, way back to the mid 1970s.  

Julia and Melvin, who husband who sadly passed away some years ago, were the only ones in our street who had a phone, so when I stood at the telephone box opposite their house, waiting my turn to use the public phone, Julia would often call me over and say I could use their phone and not to stand waiting.  Of course, I tried to pay for the call, but the offer was refused most of the time, so I would try and leave the coins next to their phone!  Lovely memories and a great friendship ensued.

We used to babysit for one another and often went on holidays together too, our favourite place being the Isle of Wight.  Mr. HCB and Melvin often went off walking or later, yachting weekends, which may or may not have included imbibing small amounts of beer and having a good meal, but as stay-at-home wives, we obviously didn’t know all that went on, which was perhaps just as well!

Our friendship has continued although we don’t see as much of Julia now, so this morning was our chance to catch up with family news and what has been happening in our lives over a cup of coffee.  She had mentioned that she had quite a lot of new wool, which had been given to her by a neighbour and wondered if it could be used either at Knit and Natter or whether someone else might like it.  I knew just the lady!

Dorothy, the mother of another friend, David, who is well into her 90s, knits little bobble hats for a charity, but I can’t remember which one, and you can see some of them in the bottom left of my collage, so I am sure she will be very grateful to receive all this extra wool.  Knowing Dorothy, it will soon be knitted up into more bobble hats.  

So here is my take for Wide Wednesday - lots of wool on Julia’s carpet - and no need to guess whose feet are at the bottom of the shot!

I thought you also might be interested to see my extra, which amused me.  As I put my two fried eggs onto the plate with the bacon and beans for my lunch, I thought it looked like an owl - so once again, more pareidolia for my dear Blip friend, LSquare.  As we often say, “Blippers are always on the lookout for a good shot!”  

However, I am going to have a resting afternoon before making some soup and then out to Worship Group practice this evening.

In other news, Mr. HCB is having the lesion on his forehead removed this Saturday afternoon, so we hope that goes well then I received a letter in the post today to say I will be having a YAG laser capsulotomy to correct the posterior capsular opacification in my left eye!  Well, who knew that was what it was called?  So a busy few days for us.

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