West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Doon The Water

I didnt feel too hot this morning, too many painkillers I suspect not agreeing with me but needs must the hand still throbbing. The twins skated well this morning but Fraser's penance for missing a loop jump was ten poewr laps of the rink, normally he needs no encouragement to speed but with his coach chinning him about power and posture it was a no day at the races for him!!!

I didnt skate until later given my iffy condition but when I did I was cajoled into skating with a partner, this was a very strange experience, I have never done it before only ever skating myself. Given I dont dance without skates there is little hope of me ice dancing!! Fraser who came to watch dad was laughing so hard he was nearly falling off his seat quite literally, he laughed so hard I really thought he may wet himself!!! Apparently dad did ok in his eyes but it was still funny. Please be assured this was a one time deal!!!!

I went for a walk along the river, after an overcast morning the sun broke through and got quite warm, the sun sparkled on the water, I wanted to walk out over the bridge and shoot the estuary but after a few shots, today's included I started the walk but surprise surprise the battery died.

The navigation tower added a little texture to the low level shot of the river looking to Langbank, she looked beautiful today, the clouds were stunning and added a little more texture and helped lead my eyes down river, I was only missing my friend to share it with.

Please enjoy the shot, defiantly best in large

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