Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Ross: Let the big brass band play...

On every band stand around Britain, especially on a Sunday afternoon stroll, you should come across a Brass Band. Its not like that actually happens everywhere across Britain, because that would require tons of good will and funding nationwide. Ross on wye is, I think one of the lucky few towns where you can sit and support your local musical heroes.

This band actually belongs to a little (and what was a mining) village just outside Ross called Lydney. In the past, almost every small town and village in the area has raised a traditional brass band, many of which still survive today.

Lydney Drum and Fife Band' is known to have taken part in celebrations on Lydney Town station as the first steam train left on the inaugural run across the Severn Railway Bridge in 1879. In 1892, the wooden flutes were changed for brass instruments and Lydney Town Band, as we know it today, came into being, with Mr Tom Bevan as founder conductor.

The Lydney Training Band is now going from strength to strength - it now has around 35 members from the very young through to life long and very talented musicians. It should be noted that older players are also encouraged to learn the art of brass playing and several parents join in learning the art of playing a brass instrument. (source: Lydney Band)

I noticed that the band mixes ages ranges beautifully. A young lad turns round and has a joke with his friend, between them they have over a 100 years of musical knowledge.

Priceless! x

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