Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

A Dark Rose

SWMBO has been very caring & sharing and has let me have some of her runny nose and barking cough.
I saw every hour on clock during the night ... apart from 5.
There was no long lie though as we had dental appointments after 9am.
Nothing was required to be done I am glad to say.
From there I nipped next door to the pharmacy and collected my prescription.

As it was dry we headed off for a walk ... and met No1 son and Cygnet heading for the station on their way into town for a 'boys day out' (Bags and Squirrel were on their way to London ...when their flight eventually took off ...so that Squirrel could go to her first 'concert'). It may have been dry, but there is no way I would describe it as warm enough to be out in a t-shirt. Cygnet seemed to think it was fine though.   Lunatic!.

During the afternoon I went up into the loft and brought down pictures which range from some old family pictures that my father took to large prints that I had entered in competitions or framed for display in The Larder's cafe before Covid hit. Some will stay with me, some will go to my sister and some to my brother, the rest will have to go.

All this activity meant that I hadn't taken any pictures ... so I headed upstairs in the evening and pointed the camera and a torch at a dead rose and an old oil bottle.

Pictures are here.

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