Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

It Was A Close Run Thing.

I have spent virtually all day going through old prints, slides and negatives...hundreds and hundreds of them.
There are thousands more up in that damned attic!

A slot has been booked at the tip

There was a break in the tedious task to take stuff to the charity shop.

A second break was taken to wander round the barren wasteland garden for something to Blip.
There was a solitary flower - and that appeared to have been chewed.
My choice was severely limited - but when I went out to the bin there was a moon! .... and some clouds!
Suddenly I was was torn .... fern frond or moon?
Oh Hell ......... have them both.

The full job lot is over here ........ all 6 shots - a veritable Smörgåsbord

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