Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Path Through the Birch Wood

Another miserable start to the day. Lots of drizzle initially, gone by the time I have had breakfast. Partner heads out to meet a friend to go to an exhibition. I had to work, then go for a morning walk on my own. Not many people out. Mud is very slimy. The path shown in the blip starts narrow, but as it passes through the trees and over the brow of the hills, it widens and slopes to the left. It is best to walk on the left hand side to avoid slipping to the left. No views, Edinburgh Castle just looks like a stack of light grey shoeboxes. Good to be out in the fresh air. Staying close to the trees means being out of the cold easterly breeze.

After work we decide to try to stick to tarmac paths to limit contact with mud as much as possible. Getting fed up with the grey weather. The light is the best it has been all day. We can see the Pentland Hills, and can even see a couple of the Swanston Cows. Not a bad walk in the end.

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