Living my dream

By Mima


For Sale signs have gone up on the property over the road. You can just see a red and white placard opposite Chez M&B's gate. (The thumbnail.)

Bean has taken great exception to it. Every time she has departed the truck she has barked furiously at this usurper. How dare it be there? And why doesn't it bark back? 

I took her up to it at lunchtime. She approached with a bristling back, sniffed it cautiously, and almost instantly lost interest. Job done, I thought to myself.

Not a bit of it. An hour later as we left the truck to go for a walk there was another huge outbreak of fierce barking and jumping up and down on the spot, before she raced down the drive to face it down through the gate.

I took this photo a few moments later when she'd got bored (for this time) and came back to ask me about that walk I'd mentioned.

Since then she has been growling quietly at it from her vantage point on the window seat.

Maybe the novelty will wear off in a day or two.

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