Living my dream

By Mima

Colours of summer

I took several artyfarty landscape photos today, but once I'd downloaded everything this one stood out head and shoulders above the rest: a quick snap of the colourful early morning harvest, which includes five varieties of tomatoes. 

Since then I've also picked raspberries, blackcurrants, runner beans, Muriel's Magic beans and Hawkesbury Wonder beans. 

The blackcurrants are still dripping off the bushes: I have far too many and I remain resolved to dig up at least one bush.

Today's bowlful was picked because of a Show-related emergency. I have entered the class for blackcurrant cordial but I've drunk all my stocks, so I am making a new batch. The boiled fruit is dripping through a jam bag as I type. 

It should be a good brew; the fruit are super-ripe and unbelievably sweet, bursting in my mouth when I eat them straight from the bush. The cordial will be an intense flavour and will need the minimum amount of honey to sweeten it.

Not that it's tasted by the Show judges. Nor are the chutneys, pickles or jams. It is bizarre to me that the entries can be judged without tasting and when I asked the secretary she shrugged and said "That's just the way they do it."

At least I know anything I enter will taste fantastic.

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