
By SparseRunner


Each day this year, I've done this puzzle over breakfast. I think that one reason it's pleasing is that it's a physical puzzle in a life full of digital puzzles (at work) and screen input. Indeed, I look forward to it when I get up. Sometimes it's easy, but today I struggled, and had to finish it after breakfast.

After doing some experiments on a strange problem that had been sent to me overnight, I went into work for my class' workshop. It was poorly attended (37 of 110 registered for the course), but that meant that there was a greater proportion of interested students amongst those who turned up. I then had lunch with my PhD students B and Y, until Y had to leave for a class. We were then joined by my intern (R), so it was a pleasant break. Back in the office, I tried to characterise the behaviour of the strange problem, but I was tired, so I discussed with Y and R their (overlapping) work. 

A had spent some of the day at Mum's flat, so she picked me up, and we did a big grocery shop on the way home. There I cooked, whilst A walked Django.

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