Lazy hazy days of summer
Lazy lazy lazy day today. Got up late, sat about feeling hot. (So so so hot here today.) Wrote some emails. Sat about. Read for a bit. Watched Mr B clean the pool. Lunch. Read for a bit. Lay under a bit of grass to take a photo of the sky. Swam a bit. Dinner.
Now off for some more sitting about outside to finish off a divine bottle of wine Mr B chose for tonight from our 'cellar' (cupboard under the stairs where all the labels go authentically mouldy and old looking very very quickly). It was a 1997 Rioja, which I understand was quite a year for Riojas. It was certainly very very fine. And maybe I'll finish my book (Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" - which is amazing: quite the best book I've read in ages, and with more to say about competition/anti-trust law than you normally get in a novel. But then that's not likely to sell it to you, is it?)
At some point in my life I'll have to rejoin the world of work and these long holidays will be gone. But for now, you'll be pleased to know, I'm making absolutely the most of it.
The only slight blot on my day is that, what with all that sitting around to be done, I quite forgot to go to the shop and buy some chocolate.
Oh and thank you for all the lovely comments on yesterday's Carcassonne picture. Seems like most of the shots you guys like are chance ones out of the car window! Anyway, at least I seem to have jolted myself out of that bug rut I was in.
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