Happy Birthday!
Miss L is fifteen today!!
How can it be fifteen years since she burst into our lives in the most dramatic fashion?!
An icy cold snowy day that could have ended very differently - a prolapsed cord and an arrogant consultant who overruled the midwife and said there was no need for a Caesarian. Then the emergency button and pandemonium!! It feels like yesterday!
I did a montage today on Facebook with three or four photos from each year of her life - mostly Blips!
I got so emotional doing it. She is - and always has been - a joy. She’s funny, beautiful, caring, clever, creative, energetic. She has her own unique style and isn’t afraid to be different.
She loves her sister! They have always had a special bond which makes me so happy to see. Last night I went in to say goodnight - which I haven’t done for years - and they were snuggled up in Miss L’s bed together, just chatting and laughing. They are so lucky to have each other!!
She has lovely friends, loves to cook, loves singing along with me in the car at the tops of our voices, and loves adding to the spectacular walls of photos, tickets, posters, leaflets, album covers and keepsakes which cover every inch of her walls and ceiling.
In short, she’s perfect!!!
The day started with cards and presents in the banner and balloon festooned living room. Then it was to school and a FIVE hour art exam for Miss L!! She had been dreading it a bit but said it went well. Apparently the best bit was being able to eat Daim bars through it!!
We went to Bicester tonight and met Nana and Papa for our traditional birthday Nando’s. Lovely as ever!
I wanted to cry again when I saw Miss E’s Instagram post. Sisters!!
Happy Birthday Lala, we love you!!!
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