My bestie.
12 years ago today I lost her. My best friend and surrogate mum. You never really get over loss. You just learn to cope with it.
We celebrate everyone in our house. The family we have, the family we have adopted as extra nanas. Valentines for me is a day filled with many memories of loved ones and special people.
I do say the VD has some kind of wee omens though as things seem to happen on this day. Is it a coincidence?
This morning I was pulling my bike out of the garage and the whole front wheel came of. Literally. I had only used it on Wednesday. But I'm glad it happened In the garage and not when I cycled today with the jedi.
I have been well and truly spoiled today. Lincoln chose half my gifts. He certainly loves his mamma for sure. Roses, chocolates, biltong, a whale. That all the wildlings will fight over. And more gifts too.
Happy valentines day to everyone. If you celebrate it .
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