Unusual sighting
No, I didn’t see a rare over-wintering bird, but a very welcome blue sky! We haven’t spotted one of those in this vicinity for some time. I only noticed when I got home that there’s an aeroplane high above the spire of the church.
It’s as well I took this photo as I arrived at the Green, because by the time I’d popped in to church to deliver some cards, then walked to the butcher’s and back, the clouds had started to gather, so I felt pleased with myself for going out early!
My walk to the butcher's took me along Warner’s Path, which I’ve blipped a few times. It sits alongside the boundary of Harts Grove and the Green, and on the Green side there used to be a wide strip of trees and bushes, from which a number of different birds, including resident blackcaps, used to sing their hearts out. Admittedly the strip was becoming quite overgrown and there were times at dusk when I didn’t feel terribly safe because the vegetation hid the path from the view of the road, but I was quite disappointed to see this morning that most of the trees, and all of the bushes, had been felled. I’ve put a couple of photos in extras.
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