
By Wildwood

Rogue Narcissus

I guess all the ones around here are. We didn't plant any of them and these came up in the middle of a big patch of lantana which looks pretty bad this time of year. And they're double...extra frilly.

John has come down with a pretty nasty cold, so I cut him some slack for forgetting all about Valentine's Day. I would rather think about how much we all need to spread the love right now. I don't mean chocolates and roses,  but the kind that knows no bounds. There is no comfort in hate, but there is joy and respect in love

What the world needs now, is love sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love sweet love
Not just for some but for everyone
--song by Jackie DeShannon . 1965

Dan and Tobi did bring gluten free chocolate brownie cookies and lemon cupcakes with strawberry icing to coffee this morning. Our beautifully arranged plate (little pink umbrellas in the cupcakes) didn't even make it home. I got the armhole problem on the star coat fixed in between making cups of tea with lemon and honey for John.  And the sun, the ultimate therapeutic, treatment came out!

I can only hope that the man who has taken over our country and is ruling by hate and turning people against each other will somehow discover that eventually love conquers all.

Happy Valentine's Day

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