
By tridral

Arteffact o oes arall

Arteffact o oes arall ~ An artifact from another age

“The angels have the phone box.”
― Steven Moffat, (Doctor Who', Series 3, Episode 10, 2007, 'Blink')

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Aethon ni i'r dre heddiw oherwydd roedd apwyntiad gyda ni gyda'r Dyn sy'n mynd i drwsio ffonau Nor'dzin a Dan. Doedd gennyn ni ddim llawer arall i'w wneud, felly aethon ni am grwydro a phryd. Yn yr hen farchnad mae hen flwch teleffon, wedi cael ei haddurno efo blodau. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod pam. Diolch i ffonau symudol, Daw'r dydd pan fydd blychau teleffon pethau o'r gorffennol. Fel bwlch (box) glas Doctor Who.

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We went into town today because we had an appointment with the Man who is going to fix Nor'dzin and Dan's phones. We didn't have much else to do, so we went for a walk and a meal. In the old market there is an old telephone box, which has been decorated with flowers. I don't know why. Thanks to mobile phones, the day will come when phone boxes are a thing of the past, like Doctor Who’s blue box.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Hen flwch teleffon, wedi cael ei haddurno efo blodau, yn yr hen farchnad, Caerdydd

Description (English) : An old telephone box, decorated with flowers, in the old market, Cardiff

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