
By fennerpearson


My frustration at the majority of interesting exhibitions being held in London is only partly assuaged by the fact that I'm currently here three or four days a week. 

I mean, an exhibition of Linder Sterling's work: where else should that be than Manchester?

But then maybe you can't charge £19 a ticket, which was the price of admission at the Hayward Gallery, this afternoon, albeit granting access to two separate exhibitions. And, as it turns out, I enjoyed both. 

I only really know two things about Linder: firstly, that she made the cover for The Buzzcocks' 'Orgasm Addict' single, and, secondly, that she sang in the post-punk band Ludus. 

And while photomontage did make up a significant proportion of her works on display, there was a wide variety of disciplines, all of which work was unknown to me. It made for an interesting forty-five minutes. 

The other exhibition was of works by Mickalene Thomas, whose work I was completely unfamiliar with. But it was great; huge colourful pieces, also using montage, made all the more effective by the subdued lighting around the gallery. 

So, if you are in London, have nineteen quid and an hour and a half to spare, then I'd recommend popping along.

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