There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

The Valentine's Day Love Fest

It was Valentine's Day, and I looked out the front door window to discover that a love fest was taking place on the front porch. The weather has had its atrocious moments of late, but NOTHING - not snow, nor sleet, nor freezing rain, nor dark of night - keeps the neighbor kitty from visiting my husband, whom he adores.

Anyway, I looked out to see this scene: my husband was sitting on a chair, and LGK (Little Gray Kitty), the neighbor cat, given name Stryker, was lying on my husband's lap with one paw extended, with a look of pure BLISS on his face, as my husband occasionally doled out nose skritches.  :-)

That wasn't the ONLY love story in the yard. Oh no! My husband has been putting out a plate for the rabbit who lives under the front hedge. The tray goes out around dusk, and the bunny has learned to regularly check that spot under a small yard table for snacks.

The tray typically contains a few carrot slices and chopped peanuts. At first, the rabbit didn't seem to know what carrots were, but now it likes them, and eats them all up. Chopped peanuts have ALWAYS been a favorite of our yard rabbits, who are members of an ancient and esteemed tribe of eastern cottontails called the Bunzinis.

My husband puts the bunny snack tray out around 6 p.m. or so, and then he watches from the front windows with the binos to see if the rabbit shows up. About 6:05 or 6:10 or so, I heard him exclaiming that the rabbit had arrived. Then there was a sigh of dismay, as he said, "Well, I hope that isn't a mouse or rat out there!"

He trudged over to the front door, opened it, and went out to check on the situation. He came back inside, shaking his head and saying, "Well, THAT was a surprise. Never would have guessed THAT!" It took him a while to tell me what was going on.

The rabbit he'd been intending to feed had indeed showed up. So had a second, larger rabbit! The Valentine's treats he had put out for one rabbit ended up being shared by TWO, in a fine (and I hope romantic) Valentine's Day dinner! Looks like LGK isn't the ONLY one enjoying a love fest in the yard. :-)

I couldn't decide between two songs to go with this blip photo and story, so here they both are. First is Chris Cornell, covering the Prince hit, Nothing Compares 2 U. Second is Miley Cyrus, with See You Again.

P.S. I didn't get to tell you how I feel about my husband, the guy who doles out nose skritches to the neighbor cat, and feeds and establishes contact with members of the ancient Bunzini clan in our yard. Well, he is my North, my South, my East and West. Enough said! I'll leave it at that!

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