41 Years Of The 14 Days Of Valentines!
We met at a square dance gathering that included lunch, going tubing in the afternoon, and ended with a square dance put on by a singles square dance club. So, though I was on a date with another guy, we were both free to dance with others and it was fine for a lady to ask a man to dance a tip with her, so I asked a guy that I had met during lunch to dance with me. I wish I could tell you the songs we danced to, (a tip consists of two songs, one of which is a patter call and the other is more melodic), but I can't. I only know that as we began the tip, he was like every other partner I had ever danced with, but by the time that tip ended I was head over heels in love with him. He found me, grabbed me and kissed me as he left the dance a little while later. I didn't kiss just anybody, even at the end of a date, but he left me enthralled! We started dating just over a week later, though he was stationed in San Antonio and I lived in Austin. We manged to see each other several nights a week. Our first Valentine's Day, he had been sent TDY to another country. I could send him mail, so I decided to send him a Valentine for every day of February, starting on the first and ending with the fourteenth-----and a tradition was born, that I call The 14 Days of Valentines. It isn't always cards----one year was coffee mugs, one year was neckties, one year was every heart-shaped kitchen implement that I could find, but there is always a theme and he never knows where or when he he will find his Valentine during the day. This year was cards with related candies carefully counted out to match the number of the day. I've been doing this for the 40 years we have been married and the year we were dating and I look forward to doing it for many more years to come!.......
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