
By Lsquare

Don't Just Seek To Change Your Status!

Under a bright blue sky with a strong and bitter north wind, we gathered at FBC, grateful for the freedom we have to come together as a body of believers to join our hearts and voices in praise to God, Who knows and loves each one of us and has a ministry for each of us.  We began our service with a congregational song, followed by the welcome from Chris.  After that, the choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists presented the uplifting anthem, "Honored, Glorified, Exalted".  The congregation continued the worship and praise with a few more songs, before Pastor Wes directed our attention to various verses in First Corinthians Chapter 7 concerning a group in the church that doesn't get talked to in may Sunday sermons.  He has already spoken to husbands and wives, but today he spoke about the singles in our church body. Singleness is the one status we all experience at some point in our lives.  This group also contains many different ages who are single for many different reasons but God's message for each one of them is not to focus on changing their single status, but to focus on bringing glory to God through whatever ministry opportunities He brings their way and let that goal shape their lives and their activities.  They might even end up being married, but that should not be the driving force that guides them.  God can use singles in ways that He can't use husbands and wives.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about all this, including some of his own experiences in this area which you can find on the Live-stream.  It would be worth your time to check it out...... 

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