
By suehutton

Just what I wanted!

It rained all day. Len was getting low. I suggested that we go to the Peach House restaurant at Staunton Harold garden centre to get out of the house. It's cheery in there and the staff are friendly.

I'd wanted to take a close-up photo of a snowdrop in the display of flowers and fitted a Lensbaby 56 velvet lens for the purpose. Of course, when we got there, I realised I hadn't set the camera to take photos without a lens, which is what you have to do with non-Fuji lenses that don't have auto focus. And I couldn't find out how to do it after searching on Google. Grrrr.

So we went to the restaurant and enjoyed a plate of ham, eggs and chips each. Basil was very partial to the ham.

As we were leaving, we trekked through the craft space, pictured. I thought  to myself, why can't I have tables like that at home. So much more room for printing and mounting photos plus space to do bookbinding. But I couldn't bring it home with me.

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