The “Dalek”
At church our 130 year old heating system is kaput. The iron pipe work keeps breaking at the joints. We are looking to decide on options for the future, weighing up the long term benefits of air source heat pumps versus gas. The cost difference is significant but the environmental and long term sustainability points more towards heat pumps supporting underfloor heating. But lots of decisions still to make and questions over whether the technology will improve in the next decade other so and what gas and electricity prices might do.
With listed building status and the need for necessary approvals it is clear that any project work is more likely to be into 2026.
So, for when the nights turn really cold, we have acquired two industrial heaters ( often seen in shops) to boost the small heating system we still have available. They will have to be switched off for the services but hopefully they will keep the temperature bearable. It is that or we start issuing blankets!
The machines have been informally christened the “Daleks”. Let’s hope they don’t exterminate us!
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