Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

The Train Now Arriving On Platform 2.......

There was a spot of turning done.

There were hundreds - and I mean HUNDREDS - of slides gone through and sorted.

There was a trip to the tip recycling yard. Why do they insist on taking half the skips to be emptied on the busiest day of the week instead of on of the days they are shut? All it means is that everything else gets mixed mixed up and can't be recycled.                 Useless ruddy Council!
There was a trip to the station with Bags & SIL as they were going into town to get drunk have a meal and take part in a 'Murder Mystery' thing.

There was and afternoon & evening of 'baby sitting' Squirrel and cats --- one we hardly saw as she was 'out' with the boyfriend or in her room on-line with her mate) and the other two slept virtually the whole time.

There was another trip to a different station to collect said Bags and SIL ... later than expected.
They were late because they missed the train to the local station due to getting stuck in a lift after said Murder Mystery thing (Don't ask.......)

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