A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


Dull again first thing but soon after the church service started you could see that the sun had come through. 
Walking home I could see the gold of the lovely crocus flowers by the bus stop ( blip last Sunday) glowing in the sun but resisted popping across for another blip. I walked into Corinthian ( almost literally as she had the sun behind her) and had a little chat then continued on my way. 
I was greeted by a pile of soil at the bottom of our drive and no pot sitting in it’s saucer. Next doors ‘odd job’ man had accidentally knocked it off whilst moving some items into his van. He said he would sweep it up if I could lend him a brush!

We had 5 matching ones along the stepped wall containing winter Violas at the moment, we now only have 4. They are rather nice so it’s better than non. We got them at Yorkshire pots a few years ago. They open in March so maybe we’ll make another visit but it’s unlikely we’ll find a match.

The sun didn't last long it seems to be dull again. I’ve booked our ferries to Arran in May since getting home, a visit en route to the Highlands,  so that's something bright on the horizon. 

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