madwill's world

By madwill

A Culvert

I spent most of the day trying to digitise some old slides featuring Mrs madwill’s brother - seems there will be an image ‘slide show’ at the crematorium when we go for his funeral. Mrs madwill is also collating an album of prints to pass around at the ‘wake’ afterwards.

The quality of the slide images is not great! The actual transparency part is 1 inch (2.5 cm) square - so you can imagine how small the camera must have been!

Add in 50 years of poor handling/storage  - there is some physical damage and the colours are pretty dreadful on some of them…not to mention dust!!

I used my old EOS 6D and macro lens  - and captured raw files, so I have been able to make some adjustments to the colours. The raw files actually show up the grain of the film emulsion…so noise reduction came in handy!

I got out for a short walk and shot this drainage culvert that runs under the cycle path. In times of heavy rain the water level reaches above the pipe and so the ground around floods!!

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