There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

I Gave My Love Some Berries / White World

This is February, and it is typically one of our coldest, most wintry months in central Pennsylvania. This year does not disappoint. We've been having atrocious weather, with far more to come. The overnight ice storm left a thick coating of ice on everything. 

Of course, first thing in the morning, I ran out with my camera, carefully mincing my steps on the front stairs and the driveway, which were absolutely LETHAL. The road was covered in ice. In winter time especially, I am so glad not to be working anymore: the stress of just trying to GET THERE in this weather would be nearly enough to do me in!

I walked around the neighborhood taking pictures, and I ended up at the flowering crabapple trees in a neighbor's yard. You've seen these before. :-) On this day, they were coated in ice, and glorious! (For the ice lovers, here are a few more pics on Instagram of the red berries.)

Well, I wandered back home and had my cup of tea, and then the ice started to melt and suddenly there was an amazing pale mist everywhere, turning my whole world white. 

Around 10 a.m., enchanted by the mist, I went back out, strolled back over to the berry trees, and checked out a set of trees across the road that I enjoy photographing in all kinds of weather. The white world of those trees in the mist appears in the extras. :-)

I've got two photos for this day and so here are two songs. First, for the berries, I've got Joan Baez, with I Gave My Love a Cherry (the Riddle Song). Second, for the white world, I've got Pentatonix, with White Winter Hymnal; to quote one of the video's finest comments, "That was an intense game of patty cake!" 

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